It's been a good month for TFWW product reviews. First of all we got two mentions in the new June 2010 Popular Woodworking Magazine. The first mention was a rather nice tool test of our new glue spoon(update - no longer in production) and the second was a one line mention of the Gramercy Tools saw vise in an article on how to build your own saw vise from scrap. More on saw vises below. Popular Woodworking Magazine changed format and I like the new look a lot. The pictures look sharper, the paper is better and the whole magazine looks tighter and more inviting to read than previously. Job well done folks!! (I did notice that all the guest contributors profiled in this issue have beards - do I get points for figuring out the theme of the issue?)
The May/June 2010 #212 issue of Fine Woodworking has an article on selecting the right brush for the job. When recommending natural brushes for non-water borne finishes they called our Ox-hair brushes "the Cadillac of brushes" which was very nice of them. Because of the sudden demand we have just run out of the 2" natural brushes we will have more soon - The brushes are hand made and getting the hair to make the brush is involved. Fine Woodworking didn't have any samples of our new artificial hair brushes for water borne finishes in time for the article, but they are available now and on sale until June 1, 2010. The water borne brushes are all in stock.
Back to saw vises. After much delay our next production run of saw vises is almost complete and we should be shipping late next week. Chris Schwarz wrote about our saw vise here. He liked it a lot. I think the article in Pop Wood on making a saw vise is great and while I don't think a wooden saw vise can compare in solidity to our vise or a good antique you can't beat the cost and it significantly lowers the entry cost for someone wanting to start sharpening their own saws. Which is a very good thing. We stock Swiss made Grobet saw files and stuff here (update: Grobet files are no longer made in Switzerland. We now stock made in Italy, Corradi files).
In other news the new sash saws are back in stock and shipping. |